Magzter Cashback Offer: UPTO 80% OFF + Cashback Rewards

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Read the most featured, trending stories/ articles

Deal Details

  • Read most trending stories or articles- Maximum 5mins read
  • Stay updated about everything happening in the world and near you
  • Subscribe Magzter Yearly subscription now!!

Magzter Offer: Read Magazines On Home Decor, Vasstu, Lifestyle & More

Deal Details

  • Get your digital magazines about styling, designing & organizing your home.
  • Worth a read, helps you create your own design & decorative ideas.
  • Available in many languages.
Magzter Coupon Offer Details
Offer on
Home Decor, Vasstu, Lifestyle & More
Magazine type
styling, designing & organising your home
Discount for
Limited period
Offer valid to
All Users

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More About Magzter
Looking for Magzter gold subscription free ? then Zingoy cashback platform can help you with this. You can redeem 100% cashback of the Magzter Gold subscription price using Zingoy and withdraw the Magzter cashback on your bank account from Zingoy wallet hassle free. So, check out Zingoy for Magzter Coupon Code and Magzter Gold subscription free.

Magzter India: Digital Magazine Platform with a Wide Selection

Magzter is an Indian and International digital magazine platform. It also deals in digital newspapers and stories (articles). You can buy them individually or via subscription. Its subscription model Magzter Gold is what most users choose due to cost-effectiveness and unlimited reading access. Time, India Today, Business Standard, Vogue India, Business Today India, Filmfare, Cosmopolitan, The Week are some of the popular magazines here.   

Magzter Cashback offers for Extra Savings

Zingoy has amazing Magzter Cashback offers. You can even get a 100% Magzter cashback on Magzter Gold Combo i.e. Magzter Gold for 1 year and Magzter Gold Lite for 2 years (total 3 years subscription). This way, you get a Magzter subscription for free as well as there is no hassle of yearly renewals.

Magzter App Subscription coupon codes

You can save via Magzter App Subscription coupon codes for both Android and iOS. Apply them for Hindustan Times, Dainik Jagran, Mint, Financial Express, Amar Ujala, The Morning Standard, more newspapers to get discounts.

Magzter Gold Lite coupon codes

Magzter Gold Lite subscription gives Unlimited access to any 5 Magzter GOLD magazines from 8,000+ best-selling magazines. It is priced at ₹499/year i.e. ₹42/month. You can lower this price via Magzter Gold Lite coupon codes.

Magzter offers on Kindle

Kindle e-readers can get you fine discounts on Magzter subscription. You might even get a Magzter Gold free subscription on purchases of Kindle gadgets. Amazon has fine Kindle offers so you can check them out.  

Magzter Gold Subscription offer 999

Magzter Gold 1 year subscription plan is priced at ₹3999. You can get it at ₹999 via Magzter Gold Subscription offers. It will get you access to Open, Fortune, Femina, Reader’s Digest, Provoke Lifestyle, People US, Who, more.

Magzter Gold Free Subscription offers

Below are some ways to get Magzter Gold Subscription for Free. 

  • 100% Magzter cashback via Zingoy

  • Free Magzter Gold on Kindle

  • 100% discount Magzter coupon codes

  • Win in Magzter promotional contests 

  • 7-day Magzter GOLD free trial

  • Magzter bank & wallet offers

Magzter 50% off coupon codes

Magzter 50% off coupon codes can be used on its 1-month, 1 year, 2 year, and 3-year subscription plans. Mostly you will find these Magzter coupon codes on multi-year subscriptions. They can also offer more than 50% discounts.  

Magzter Gold discount codes for 1 Month Subscription

Magzter Gold 1 Month Subscription is priced at ₹399. It gives access to premium stories and you can share your Magzter Gold subscription with 4 family members. Save on it via Magzter Gold discount codes. It is recommended to go for a yearly subscription for higher discounts.

Magzter Credit Card offers

Magzter Credit Card offers can be from HDFC, ICICI, and other banks for Instant discounts. The Visa commercial card can get you 1 month Magzter Gold for free. HDFC Platinum and Titanium credit cards can get you a 30% discount. SBI Card can also have good offers here.  

Magzter Subscription Deals for 1 year plan

The Magzter 1 year subscription plan is priced at ₹3999 so applying Magzter Subscription Deals will get you fine discounts on Dalal Street Investment Journal, Forbes US, Business Traveller India, GQ India, Harper’s Bazaar, more digital magazines. 

Magzter Gold Subscription offers India for 2 year plan

You can opt for Magzter Gold Subscription offers India for 2 year plan and can get the price lowered from ₹6999 via upto 87% discounts. Thus, it helps you save on Elle, Grazia, Hello, Exhibit, FHM, Esquire US, The Oprah, Her World Singapore, Prestige, and more magazines.   

How to Redeem Magzter coupon code?

Apply the Magzter coupon code in the Coupons section on the top right corner of the website homepage to successfully redeem. You can use them in business, lifestyle, entertainment, home, fashion, automotive, celebrity, health, more categories.

Magzter 3 year Subscription offers

Magzter 3 year Subscription offers can get the price lowered from ₹9,999. You can even get a 3-year Magzter Gold subscription for the price of 1 year i.e. ₹3,999 via these Magzter offers. There might be a Magzter coupon code for availing them. 

Magzter HDFC offers

HDFC SmartBuy offers can get you 1 month Magzter subscription for free. Then, you can get 50% off on Magzter Gold annual subscription via HDFC offers. There can also be 80% off on Magzter GOLD Lite Subscription offer on HDFC cards, Internet banking, UPI, etc. 

Magzter coupon codes on Paytm

Mostly you won’t require Magzter coupon codes for subscription via Paytm. On Paytm, you can get a 1 year Magzter subscription at just ₹999. You can also avail Paytm wallet 100% cashback deals for free Magzter subscription.


Magzter ₹100 off coupon codes 

Magzter ₹100 off coupon codes are mostly for monthly subscription plans and Magzter Gold Lite. They might also be applicable on The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, The Hindu, Overdrive, Vogue, Traveller, T3, more.

Magzter promo codes for Gold Business Subscription

Magzter Gold Business Subscription plan is for bulk purposes where there are 20+ users under 1 plan. The Magzter promo codes here can get you bulk discounts which are way higher than the regular ones. 

Magzter promo codes for Subscription Renewal

Magzter promo codes for Subscription Renewal can be applied on all its subscription plans. They can get you upto 57% discounts or even more on Prevention, Men’s Health, Guideposts, Woman’s Day US, HGTV magazine, TV Guide, Country Living, Car & Driver, etc. Magzter Auto-renewal plans get more discounts. 

Magzter ICICI offers

Magzter ICICI offers can be for its Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net Banking customers. 20% discount offers are popular here. ICICI bank cardless EMI offers on Magzter can also be availed subject to some T&Cs.

Magzter Freecharge offers

Magzter Freecharge offers can get you 100% cashback, 25% cashback upto ₹50, and many more rewards. You need to settle your entire Magzter subscription bill via Freecharge wallet, UPI, or linked cards to successfully redeem these offers.

Magzter Bank offers

Magzter Bank offers can be from HDFC, SBI, ICICI, Axis, IndusInd, Bank of Baroda, AU Small Finance, and many more banks. These offers can get you instant discounts, cashback rewards, loyalty points, more.

Magzter Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is Magzter India Gold offer?

Magzter India Gold offers give you discounts via Magzter coupons, bank & wallet offers, cashback rewards, more.

Q2. What is the offer of Magzter 3999?

This offer gets you a Magzter Get 3 Years* of reading access at an unbelievable offer price. On 1st Year with Magzter GOLD Read 8000+ magazines, newspapers & premium stories. On 2nd & 3rd Year with Magzter GOLD Lite Pick and read any 5 titles from 8,000+ magazines and newspapers each month.

Q3. How to get Magzter for free?

You can get 100% Magzter cashback using Zingoy on Magzter Gold subscription which makes it effectively free as you can transfer cashback to bank account or buy free brand vouchers.

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