During Swiggy Instamart Players League IPL Quiz 1000 lucky people can win Swiggy Instamart coupon worth Rs. 100 everyday.
Swiggy Instamart Players League IPL Quiz Answers
Episode : 24th May 2022
Q1. Which two Bollywood actresses performed in the IPL 2013 opening ceremony?
Ans:- Katrina and Deepika
Q2. Which cricketer, participating in IPL 2022, is also a soldier in the Sri Lankan army?
Ans:- Ajantha
Q3. Who hit the most fours in IPL 2008?
Ans:- Gambhir
Q4. Which of these IPL records does Gayle not hold currently
Ans:- Fastest individual fifty
Q5. Name the player who won the perfect catch award for the year 2018
Ans:- Boult
How to Play Swiggy Instamart Players League
Here are the steps –
- Go to Swiggy Instamart app or download / update this.
- Find banner called “Match Corner”.
- Here you will get the quiz banner & start play
Swiggy Instamart Players League Terms & Conditions
- 1000 lucky winners will win Instamart coupons every day
- Instamart coupons will be worth Rs 100. Winners can redeem it on orders above Rs 399
- The coupon will be shared with the winners within 2 working days
- The coupon will be valid for 7 days and is
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- By answering all the questions correctly, the user will get an opportunity to be a part of the Lucky Draw
- Lucky winners will be selected by Swiggy and the decision made will be final and binding
- Swiggy has the right to stop or change the game at any point in time without any prior notice
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Swiggy Instamart Players League IPL Quiz Answers Today
Swiggy Instamart Players League IPL Quiz Answers today. During Swiggy Instamart Players League Contest 1000 lucky people can win Swiggy Instamart coupon worth Rs. 100 everyday.
Amit Saha
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