For the latest updates on February Amazon’s daily quiz answers, you can subscribe to our Zingoy Telegram channel by clicking the banner below. We always try to provide the quiz answers to users within 1-2 min of updated Amazon questions. You can also find various interesting blogs to read on Zingoy related to the latest mobile launches, movies, shopping, gadgets, and much more. So get all the Amazon quiz 18th Feb 2021 answers in one place. Apart from the Amazon quiz 18th Feb 2021 answers, you can also participate in the other Amazon contest which you can find the answer to here.
Amazon Quiz 18th February Questions with Answers
1.Cornwall, chosen as the venue of the G7 summit 2021, is located in which country?
2.Which of these is one of the costliest mushrooms in the world that grows in Jammu and Kashmir’s Doda district?
3.James Naismith, recently featured in a Google Doodle, was the inventor of which game?
4.The mascot of which fast-food restaurant can we see in this picture?

5.Who is being depicted on this US dollar bill?
Benjamin Franklin
How to Play Amazon Quiz 18th February 2020?
- You need to have installed the Amazon App on your mobile device. If not you can download it from the Google Play store.
- Register yourself or login to start playing the Amazon Daily Quiz contest.
- You can get all the Amazon Quiz daily by clicking on the left side of the navigation bar on your Android or iOS devices.
- Amazon Quiz starts daily at 8.01 am in the morning and also there are other Amazon quiz answers which we keep you updated daily on our Zingoy telegram.
- You will get 5 sets of questions for which you need to choose the right answers which you can get on Zingoy.